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Product Update calendar    Mar 15, 2024

Boost B2B Sales with Resolve's Shopify Integration: Net Terms at Checkout

Introducing Resolve's Shopify Integration: Empowering B2B Ecommerce Growth

In today's fast-paced digital marketplace, the ability to provide seamless checkout experiences is paramount for businesses seeking to thrive. For B2B Ecommerce store managers, this often means offering flexible payment options like net terms or buy now pay later solutions to cater to the needs of their customers. That's why we’re excited to announce our latest Shopify integration!



Interested in increasing your B2B sales and conversions by offering net terms in your Shopify checkout experience? Get in touch! 

Solution: Introducing Resolve's Shopify Integration

Resolve's Shopify integration changes the game for B2B merchants who sell online  by allowing them to offer net terms directly at checkout.

With just a few minutes of setup, merchants can enable 'Pay with Net Terms' as a payment method on their Shopify store. When a merchant’s customers select this option at checkout, they are seamlessly redirected to Resolve's platform to apply for terms or complete their purchase using existing credit lines.

Benefits for Merchants:

  • Increased Conversions and Sales: Answering the common query, "Can we pay on terms?" becomes effortless, leading to higher conversion rates, average order values, and overall increased sales revenue. 
  • Seamless Checkout Experience for Customers: Customers can select 'Pay with Net Terms / Resolve' at checkout, streamlining the purchasing process and reducing friction.
  • Instant Approvals: New buyers can apply for credit with a soft credit check directly within the checkout flow. Many will receive instant approvals within a few minutes while others receive decisions within one business day.
  • Market Positioning: By offering Resolve's Shopify integration, merchants gain an edge over their competitors. 
  • Revenue Generation: The seamless checkout process encourages more frequent orders, resulting in increased Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) for merchants.

Transparent Pricing for Sustainable Growth

Merchants can integrate the Resolve's Shopify plugin with our standard monthly + processing fees. For fast-growing merchants, we offer custom pricing plans.

Here’s what you get by working with Resolve: 

  • Shopify integration
  • Integration support and dedicated Customer Success Manager
  • Instant credit approval for buyers
  • Net terms invoicing and workflows
  • Automated AR workflow (invoice reminders)
  • Buyer payment portal (ACH, wire, credit card, check)
  • Dynamic credit line recommendations
  • Invoice advance payments
  • Payment chaser workflows (fees, collections)
  • Standard invoicing workflow
  • Credit and AR insights dashboard
  • ACH and wire transfers all included

Unlock Growth with Resolve's Shopify Integration

Resolve's Shopify integration marks a significant step forward in empowering B2B Ecommerce growth. By seamlessly integrating net terms into the checkout process, merchants can enhance their customer experience, increase sales, and drive sustainable business growth. Ready to revolutionize your Ecommerce strategy? Connect with Resolve today and unlock the full potential of B2B sales.

For Non-Shopify Integrations

Don't have a Shopify store? No problem! For business owners using Magento and WooCommerce to sell to B2B clients online, you can scale your accounts receivables operations by seamlessly integrating Resolve to your Magento or WooCommerce instance. We also offer custom API solutions as well as first class ERP and account integrations with QuickBooks, NetSuite, and Xero. Click here to learn more. 

Interested in increasing your B2B sales and conversions by offering net terms in your Shopify checkout experience? Get in touch! 

Resolve - Head of Marketing

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